
Take Your Customer Experiences to the Next Level With Xhilarate

Take Your Customer Experiences to the Next Level With Xhilarate

The customer experience you provide can make or break your business. From initial discovery to checkout, it’s important that you design experiences that appeal to each stage of the customer journey.

Successful companies must engage, excite, and inspire their customers with value-driven content on all channels. Are you looking to transform your content strategy? Get in touch with our team of content specialists and discover what meaningful brand engagement means.

Customer Journey

How to Give Your Content a Boost: Quick Tips You Need to Know

A beautiful design with user-friendly buttons and graphics will only get you so far if you don’t have the right content for your SEO marketing initiative. The meat and potatoes of your website and social media posts will ultimately dictate your ability to generate backlinks and attract new traffic.

If you’re interested in boosting digital marketing in your business but not sure how to start exactly, then let’s talk about some creative ideas on boosting the quality of site content and consequently the strength of your branding online.


Appeal to a Niche

Niche groups within your client base are the individuals with a specific interest regarding your business’s industry or field. A simple example would be the portion of dietitians who love the ketogenic diet.

While it may seem silly writing to such a small group of people, appealing to various niches can help you amplify your content and get it linked by other websites quite easily. Sure, there might be few keto dietitians, but you might find out that they’re more than willing to get together and discuss their shared interests.

Even if you dedicate just one blog post to a niche, getting to know that group gives you valuable information on your audience and boosts your reputation amongst them.


Use Influencers for Content Creation

Influencers are essentially online celebrities who have influence in the industries you operate in. These people might write famous blog posts, star in YouTube channels, or just be famous online in general.

Either way, you can recruit them to help you boost the engagement rates of your content. It seems strange “buying” links this way, but it’s a common practice that does actually work. “Sponsored influencers” will likely be worth up to $15 million by the end of 2022.

In many cases, both parties benefit from the arrangement. You as a business gain the attention from the content creator’s audience, and the creator gets paid for the work. Many journalists are especially eager to find these sponsorship deals for both pay and professional credit.

Make Useful Recommendations
Think about the types of products or services that your customers might find useful and make useful recommendations through your website, blog, or social media account (in a way that doesn’t interfere with your own sales, of course).

You’ve likely seen this marketing strategy if you’ve ever seen a real estate blog with a post entitled “Top 10 Best Air Conditioners For 2021.”

Remember to be tasteful about your recommendations. Because you aren’t benefiting from ranking a certain item above another, the content should be impartial and merely exist to give value to your customers. It’s an excellent way to generate backlinks and buzz about your business.


Tweak What You Write

Make sure you’re putting in the right attention towards the blog posts, articles, or social media links the business puts out. A few questions to ask yourself are:
+ Is the content relatable to your target audience?
+ Are you uploading it consistently so that audiences and search engines alike begin to trust you as an authority?
+ Are the materials serving an SEO purpose? Remember that search engines like websites that show expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (hence the ever-popular acronym EAT).
+ Don’t just go all text. Keywords and articles can certainly be effective, but put a spin on a blog post by adding images or even a video.

Visuals should be a focal point for the content writers of the company. To that end, look into weaving an image library module into the web design.


About Xhilarate

Xhilarate is a design and branding agency in Philadelphia that creates visual brand experiences that engage people, excite the senses and inspire our inner awesome. We are the arsenal of innovation. Xhilarate is a design consultancy dedicated to creating innovative brand and interactive experiences with an unyielding passion to create the extraordinary.


For More Information
Russ Napolitano / East Coast
215 983 9990


Matt Sokolowski / West Coast
814 218 0089


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